
Baia Mare Municipality Radio-club (YO5KAD)

Date and time:

14 UTC Saturday to 14 UTC Sunday in the first weekend of June, in the same time with the IARU Region 1 Microwave Contest.

For 2025: 07 June 14:00 UTC – 08 June 13:59 UTC

Band and Modes:

Bands: 144 MHz, 432 MHz, 1296 MHz

Modes: CW (A1), SSB (J3E) and FM


A. Single Operator – 144 MHz

B. Single Operator – 432 MHz

C. Single Operator – 1296 MHz

D. Single Operator Multi Band

E. Multi Operator Multi Band

F. Check Log

Multi operators must upload each band separately


With the same station you can made 1QSO/band , regardless mode. Cross band or cross mode QSO is not allowed. Also self spotting is forbidden . Chats , DXClusters and Skimmers is allowed.


Same as for IARU Region 1 contests: RS or RST, separate serial number for each band (starting with 001) and WWL


144 MHz: 1 point/km

432 MHz: 5 point/km

1296 MHz: 10 point/km

The same call-sign can participate in each single-band and the multi-band category as well.

Entries of Logs:

All logs must be in EDI format and must be send 10 days (second Wednesday) from contest date, to the log receiving page. Please use the Upload Log tool (for this contest) from For issues please contact

The results will be published before the end of the year.

Judging of entries:

Only the logs with at least 5 YO QSO on 144 MHz, 3 YO QSO on 432 MHz and 1 YO QSO on 1296 MHz will be accepted. Logs wich not coply to this rulles will not be take in consideration. This applies to both single-band and multi-band entries. In case of multi-band entry only the given without the minimum YO QSOs per band will be moved to check-log.

QSO will be considered with 0 points if at least one of the following conditions are true:

  • More than +/- 5 minutes difference in the logged times;
  • Incorrect WWL locator received;
  • No log from other participant.

If any of the following conditions appear after crosschecking the QSOs only the 75% of the points will be given:

  • Incorrect RST received;
  • Incorrect serial number received.


The organizer of “Floarea de mină” international contest will award digital certificates for the first 3 entries of each section – international and YO results.

We are inviting you to FAIR-PLAY and wish you good luck in the contest!

YO5KAD– Baia Mare Radio-club!